Like Never Before

Visually captivating.

No more boring black and white textbooks Get swept into the vast world of playvroom and experience learning like never before


Keeps students engaged with interesting content that not only has educational benefits, but also teaches important life skills.


Solve any problem, experiment on anything, learn everything you need to live the life of your dreams from the comfort of your home.


Students need an outlet to hone their skills and take advantage of their developing brains. Studying for hours on end is highly disorienting and stress inducing.

Students find it quite boring to be reading from age old material which contains unnecessarily complicated and boring examples.

Our Solution

We create a gamified version of various subjects and provide an in depth explanation as to why and how an occurrence happens.

We dont stop there and take it to the next level by using virtual reality to enhance user experience by putting them in the required scenario

Why Us

What sets us apart from other ed tech companies is the immersive environment that we provide that allows students to uniquely interact with and solve real world problems using theoretical knowledge they learn from the books

Global Tech Summit 2023

Awarded and Recognized as The Best Innovative EdTech Product in the G20 Global Tech Summit 2023 held in Visakhapatnam. View more


Most schools in india only prepare students for the examination room. The solution to a problem is not binary and there are tens if not hundreds of various ways to solve a problem. Students should not be limited to a textbook and should have a fundamental understanding while choosing a career.

Our vision

Our vision is to create an outlet that provides students with an opportunity to obtain a stress free fun and interactive learning experience that shows them the real life applications of the subject they learn in school.



Surya Varma


Susheel Avvaru


Sashi Kiran

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06. How can I start this?

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Most Of Belki Transaction

Top Investors

# Investors Amount Coins
1. Arjun Sam $1650.00 BTC
2. Donna Elliott $1650.00 CGOLD
3. Philip Tran $1650.00 LTC
4. Lynn Lynch $1650.00 BTC
5. Erik Stone $1650.00 PR
6. Pam Silva $1650.00 BTC
7. Marty Drake $1650.00 PM
8. Arjun Sam $1650.00 BTC

Last Investors

# Investors Amount Coins
1. Arjun Sam $1650.00 BTC
2. Donna Elliott $1650.00 CGOLD
3. Philip Tran $1650.00 LTC
4. Lynn Lynch $1650.00 BTC
5. Erik Stone $1650.00 PR
6. Pam Silva $1650.00 BTC
7. Marty Drake $1650.00 PM
8. Arjun Sam $1650.00 BTC

Top Referrals

# Investors Amount Coins
1. Arjun Sam $1650.00 BTC
2. Donna Elliott $1650.00 CGOLD
3. Philip Tran $1650.00 LTC
4. Lynn Lynch $1650.00 BTC
5. Erik Stone $1650.00 PR
6. Pam Silva $1650.00 BTC
7. Marty Drake $1650.00 PM
8. Arjun Sam $1650.00 BTC